Category Archives: Competetiveness

Digital Anatolia: New World Order and Solutions for Transformation

This executive summary is from the Turkonfed report title ‘Digital Anatolia: New World Order and Solutions for Transformation’ dated March 2018. Report has been co-authored with Ozgun Pelit. For the full report, Since the beginning of 1990’s, technological innovations are gaining momentum and have been transforming the global economy. This transformation, which is sometimes […]

Türkiye Ekonomisinde Rekabetçilik Göstergeleri

Türkiye Ekonomisinde Rekabetçilik Göstergeleri Global ekonomide göstergeler uzun zamandır ilk defa olumlu gidiyor: IMF Nisan ayında açıklanan Küresel Ekonomik Görünüm raporunda, toparlanma sürecini teyid etti; ve küresel büyümenin yavaş da olsa toparlanma sinyallerinin arttığını belirtti. Bu olumlu gelişmeye rağmen, önümüzdeki beş yıl gelişmekte olan ülkeler için geçtiğimiz beş yıldan farklı olacak gibi duruyor. Yine IMF’nin […]

Doing Business in MENA: Turkey Experience

During the last 10 years, share of EU and MENA[1] region exports within Turkey’s total exports stayed almost the same at 70% levels; but the 13% decrease in EU’s share was almost all replaced by exports to the MENA region.  Exports to MENA region acted as a buffer to the decrease in EU exports, especially […]

Guest Post: Diagnostics of Turkey’s Exports at Firm-Level

Along with several other ambitious economic targets, Turkey set a 500 billion USD exports target for the year 2023, the 100th anniversary of the modern Turkish Republic. In policy documents prepared to this end, number of exporters and export destinations are often cited as main dimensions to focus on[1]. However, a cross country comparison reveals […]