Category Archives: Monetary Policy

Enflasyon Bir Kalkınma Problemidir

Sürdürülebilir kalkınma, yaklaşım açısından ekonomideki problemlere temelde iki açından farklı yaklaşır: Vade farkı ve neden-sonuç ilişkisi. Enflasyon ise mal ve hizmet fiyatlarının artışı olarak tanımlandığı için olsa gerek, genelde bir finansal olgu olarak algılanıyor; ve çözümü de finansal araçlarla sağlanmaya çalışılıyor. Fakat hem son bir yılda dünyada yükselen enflasyon, hem de Türkiye’de enflasyon problemi ile […]

What IMF Forecasts Tell Us: More of the Same

In an article dated January 24 in LongViewTurkey ( looking  data of 10 emerging economies between 2011-2013, we had arrived at comparative facts regarding Turkey.  Between 2011-2013, Turkey had The worst investment growth performance Mediocre consumption growth performance Outlier performance in ratio of consumption to investment Inflation that remains above EM average Policy rates that […]

Turkey’s Monetary Policy from a Comparative Macroeconomic Data Perspective

Usually, in LongViewTurkey we tend to avoid writing on regular data releases unless they have a long-lasting impact on the economy. MPC decisions by the Central Bank of Turkey is also something that we do not write on a regular basis, because we have been observing that lately discussing CBT’s policies has diminishing returns: Harder […]


Policymakers, especially the Central Banks, generally take into account the price stability while setting policy. Employment and unemployment are only the part of reference set of policy frameworks. But, there is a new noteworthy trend in policymakers’ decision making practices, which was primarily realized by the US Federal Reserve (FED). Labor market conditions and policies […]